
This website produces a certain amount of game stats, partly for clarity of results, and partly for fun!

To enable us to do this, we need a few extra details recorded in the Scorecards, but have tried to keep it as pain-free as possible. Scorecards should be return within 48 hours of the match at the latest (usually midnight Wednesday night).

Download The Scorecard Template

As an example for filling the card out, below is an ideal example. For ease of publishing to the site, then including full names, and having clear writing really helps.  The running score on the right is more for your own benefit (it was a request from some teams, to make it easier to keep track) but it is sometimes used to compare results from the opposing teams if there are discrepancies.

The most common problems seem to be:

  • Missing off the score for Singles 6 (this actually happens a LOT! Probably because it’s the end of the evening!
  • Not putting in zeros for triples and doubles players (we need that info so we can who who played, as well as other stats (eg Pairs Stats)
  • Unreadable photos – the bigger and clearer they are, the easier it is to read, of course!
  • Not including proper names – first and last names ALWAYS please

Note that Least Darts is 20 or fewer, and High Finish is 100+

Due to repeated offences, we have introduced sanctions for scorecard issues.

One Offence: Warning
Two Offences: Deduct 3 points from team
Three Offences: Deduct 3 further points from team
Subsequent offences: Deduct 6 further points from team, and one checkout from each individual member of the team

Offences are:

  • Late Scorecards
  • Missing results (whether for singles, individuals, or for missing zeros for players in doubles and triples)
  • Numbers not adding up (eg number of checkouts not matching result)
  • Incomplete names/nicknames
  • Other basic mistakes, eg entering results for 2 players for one game

Offences do not include:

  • Unreadable scorecards, if a readable version is sent by the 48 hour cut-off